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Certificates Overview

LMC Certificates Pathway

Level 1 – Manufacturing Basics Certificate

The original LMC Manufacturing Certificate provides a unique opportunity for those with no prior manufacturing experience to receive training needed to step into new careers that offer excellent pay and benefits.


  • 2.5 hours a week for 6 weeks
  • Complimentary meals
  • Supportive services like transportation and childcare available
  • Required job shadow completed during the 6 weeks outside class time, coordinated by LMC
  • Job fair with local manufacturing employers

Participant Benefits

  • Insight into career opportunities
  • Personal interactions with employers
  • Training to position participants to step into entry-level manufacturing careers
  • Favorable consideration by local manufacturers when you include your Certificate on your application
  • $250 supportive service payment upon program completion and application to a job at a Lincoln manufacturer

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Introduction to manufacturing
  • Employer expectations and interview preparation
  • Measurement & math
  • Interpreting work orders
  • Interpreting blueprints
  • Quality
  • Business acumen & lean manufacturing
  • Safety

You might be a good fit for this class if you are:

  • Under- or unemployed 
  • Have no prior experience in manufacturing
  • Have basic English skills (support from Lincoln Literacy available)
  • Are interested in learning more about a career in manufacturing

Level 2- Manufacturing Skills Certificate

The Manufacturing Skills Certificate is intended for individuals with some manufacturing experience interested in growing their skills in order to find career growth and stability. The certificate is comprised of three modules:

  1. Industrial Math
  2. Print reading
  3. Measurement

Completion of all modules will grant the participant the LMC Manufacturing Skills Certificate, which local employers will recognize as designating a skilled manufacturing professional- not just an entry-level employee.


  • 3 modules
  • 2-hour classes 2 times per week
  • 4 months or 60 instructional hours total
  • Pre and post-test for each module gives participants the opportunity to test out and prove competency
  • Completion of all three modules earns you the Certificate
  • Be paid to take the class!

This class is designed for three types of students:

  • Currently employed in manufacturing and have a high potential that outpaces your current role
  • Graduates of the Introduction to Manufacturing Certificate (Level 1)
  • Prior manufacturing experience and interested in getting back into the industry

Level 3- Manufacturing Upskilling Scholarship

LMC will fund diverse manufacturing upskilling opportunities for underemployed or unemployed individuals with previous experience with manufacturing and/or LMC.

Individuals will apply for funding from LMC that will be paid through the educational institution or employer. Recipients will also be provided a small supportive service payment for needs such as transportation and childcare.