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About LMC

Mission & History

The Lincoln Manufacturing Council (LMC) formed in 2019 as an industry-led collaboration between the Lincoln Partnership for Economic Development and several local manufacturing leaders. Their goal was to increase the number of persons in Lincoln that have the interest, skills, and opportunities to work in manufacturing.

The program began with the Manufacturing Basics Certificate, a six-session class developed by manufacturers intended to prepare prospective employees for stable jobs with excellent pay and benefits. Since 2019, the Certificate has graduated over 170 individuals.

In 2021, we were awarded a large Workforce Development grant from the City of Lincoln’s American Rescue Plan State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. This funding, available through 2024, has allowed us to expand our program offerings to continue development of Lincoln’s manufacturing workforce.

International Economic Development Council Gold Award Winner 2024

Mission & Goal

We exist to address the workforce needs of Lincoln manufacturers by increasing the number of employable individuals in Lincoln that have the interest, the skills, and the opportunities to work in the manufacturing industry.



Manufacturing Basics Certificate

A six-session class intended for under- or unemployed individuals with no previous experience in manufacturing. The locally-recognized certificate provides graduates with skills and relationships for success in an entry-level manufacturing career.

We work to reduce all barriers to participation in the certificate by providing childcare, transportation if needed, ELL support from Lincoln Literacy, meals at each class, and a $250 supportive service payment upon completion of class requirements.

Manufacturing Skills Certificate

Developed in partnership with Southeast Community College, the Manufacturing Skills Certificate is intended for individuals with previous manufacturing experience or who are currently in entry-level manufacturing work and are ready to take the next step in their careers. This more technical program will help participants move into more skilled roles at local manufacturers. The class is 60 instructional hours and includes hands-on shop work.

Manufacturing Upskilling Scholarship

The Manufacturing Upskilling Scholarship is available to LMC program graduates or employees at LMC companies who need additional training in order to advance economically in the industry. LMC will help cover the cost of educational opportunities from a wide variety of institutions, along with a small supportive service payment to help offset the cost of childcare, transportation, and other barriers.

Youth Employment Program

Connect youth (16-24) to on-the-job training internships at local manufacturers supplemented by an adapted version of the LMC Manufacturing Basics Certificate including job and life skills from AJC/WIOA. Payment for trainees is provided by LMC’s ARPA Workforce Development Grant from the City of Lincoln. Students benefit from on-the-job work experience, employers benefit from added labor with costs covered by LMC.

Partially-Subsidized On-the-Job Training

LMC member companies who hire, promote, or give wage increases to graduates from our classes are eligible for a partial subsidy of up to eight weeks of on-the-job training and the cost of PPE for new hires. Only available through 2024.

The Council

LMC member manufacturers are invited to present to LMC classes about employment opportunities, attend job fairs on the last night of class, and host job shadows for class participants.

Members of LMC are invited to an annual meeting and various other networking and learning opportunities as they arise. Membership in the LMC demonstrates advocacy for developing the manufacturing workforce in Lincoln.